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Access to HE Open Day – Creative Digital Media and Fashion

Come visit »¨½·Ö±²¥, Waterloo to find out about our Access to HE Courses in Fashion and in Creative Digital Media

Tour our arts facilities / Meet our staff and students / Enjoy activities and refreshments

Receive advice and guidance (Information about the course, support with applications and finance, how can Morley help you achieve your goals?)

These Access to HE courses thoroughly prepare you for entry to University. With class sizes of 12-14 learners, we can offer high levels of tutor contact and support, all from staff who are professional artists and designers. You will benefit from our well-equipped studios and resources. Students at Morley participate in live projects and exhibitions in the Morley Gallery and external spaces every year. We also have our very own Radio Station! 

»¨½·Ö±²¥ Waterloo provides a friendly, calm and stimulating learning environment in Central London.